Perennial Flowers

Discover this diverse group of plants, ready to find a home in your sunny garden or your shady nooks, and all garden spaces in between. From unique foliage, flowers for all seasons, attracting butterflies and hummingbirds, perennials are a must for any well-designed garden. Explore the thousands of varieties and colors we carry! For more information on our sun perennials, click here.

For Shade perennials, click here.

For Spring Perennials, click here.


We specialize in gorgeous peonies! These perennial flowering favorites thrive in full sun conditions and come in a variety of colors. For current offerings, click here.



These low-growing perennials help define a space all while providing colorful flowers and attractive foliage. Groundcovers are perfect for filling in spaces between flagstone or pavers, creating a transition between the lawn and a flower bed, and preventing soil erosion.



Whether you’re looking to add color to your trellis, screen a view, or create an accent wall, your options are endless. From Clematis, Honeysuckle and Climbing Hydrangeas, we are sure to have the plants you need to reach for the sky. For our current offerings, view our Vines & Clematis page.


Ornamental Grasses

Ornamental grasses bring beauty to the garden. Their striking foliage offers a variety of unique colors and textures, while their summertime plumes add elegance and motion. Offering a stunning display in the fall, their foliage can add winter interest in the garden as well. As the seasons change, these beauties transform your garden.