Plant Care

All plants can benefit from essential nutrients, as well-fed plants are healthier and nicer looking. Preventing disease and minimizing insect damage are important factors to plant health as well. Whether you are looking for slow-release, water-soluable or organic fertilizers, fungicides or insecticides, we have what your plants need to perform their best.


The perfect plant really does start from the ground up. Whether it’s a quality potting soil for your container garden or superior soil amendments for your perennial beds, our products will give your flowers the ideal start they need. And adding the proper mulch after planting is the cherry on top!

Gardening Supplies

Having the right gardening supplies is important to having some fun in the garden! Whether you’re planting or pruning, we’ve got the essential hand tools you’ll need. Don’t forget to protect your hands with comfort and style with our assortment of gardening gloves. We also have the perfect supply of watering wands, plant supports and coco liners.