
These tasty treats are rich in flavor and easy to grow. Commonly chosen for their culinary, aromatic or medicinal value, some herbs also offer surprising ornamental value to your garden. You can get creative with where you plant your herbs, too! Plant them in pots next to your patio door for easy access while cooking. They also look charming combined with your vegetable garden or mixed into your perennial or annual flowers. Bon appetit!



No vegetable garden is complete without a few home-grown tomatoes. Perfect for popping in your mouth like candy, cherry and grape tomatoes provide a sweet bite-size treat. Slicing varieties are juicy and meaty, perfect to put on your sandwich. With over one hundred varieties of tomatoes, including heirloom and organic, we’re the perfect place to start your vegetable garden.



Do you prefer hot & spicy or sweet & mild? Whichever your taste buds prefer, we’ve got what they want. Whether you are roasting them, making salsa or preparing a salad, peppers will add color and flavor to your dishes.


… and more!

There’s more than just tomatoes and peppers at Knupper’s Flower & Garden. We also carry broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, melons, onions, peas, pumpkins, squash, strawberries, tomatillos, watermelon and more!